Simon Alexander Ong

Think Like a Designer, Act Like a Visionary

August 2013

From growing up as a boy who would sketch endlessly in his exercise books to a young adult visualising where all the furniture would go in his first property while traveling into town on the underground, I’ve always been interested and fascinated by the world of design.

I’m that sort of guy that raves about MUJI products, carefully considers the composition of an image before taking a photo, and appreciates the amount of thought that went into making the universally popular Changi Airport an amazing experience for travellers.

But what if instead of being just consumers of good design, we could harness the thought principles behind good design to better our lives. Our business. Our future?

These were the exact thoughts I had after hearing Jocelyn Bailey’s ‘Revolution By Design’ talk at the TEDxOxbridge event back in June.

Three ideas in particular resonated with me:

  1. That the essence of design is founded in a belief that existing situations can be transformed into preferred ones.
  2. That thinking of yourself as a designer is an empowering notion, as it puts you in the position to design the solution.
  3. That the most innovative designers consciously reject what most would consider the standard route and instead, cultivate and foster a culture for thinking different.

‘Think Different.’

Now where have we heard that before? That’s right, Apple!

Armed with a cup of green tea and some Pierre Hermé macaroons (a must-try if you’re as much a foodie as me) sitting next to my MacBook, I began to dive into the design philosophy Steve Jobs had ingrained into Apple’s culture.

It became clear that there are some useful lessons we can draw upon in helping to design a philosophy for living our best life. While I’ve chosen the angle of applying this to our life, as you read, you’ll notice you can just as easily apply a lot of these to your business.

Drawing on the key pillars of his philosophy, I’ve outlined some of my thoughts on what we can take away from these and begin to easily apply in our daily lives:

Lesson? No matter how small the steps you must take in life are, make each and every one of them count. Have a set of standards and make sure that the actions you take are congruent with them. Do the small things well enough, and the big things will take care of themselves. As they say, you don’t have a strong house without a solid foundation.

Lesson? How do you want to feel? What can you begin to change inside of you that will help to address where you want to get to in life? Spend time connecting with your inner self and focusing on what makes you truly happy. Promote items clogging up your ‘should’ list to your ‘must’ list. When will you take action on these? Time is finite and it’s the one commodity we can’t buy more of.

Lesson? Commit to hacking away at the essential so that your energy is driven into concentrating on the key activities that will move you forward. Focus on what’s most important for you to accomplish each day, week and month. Remind yourself that procrastination is the biggest thief of time!

Lesson? How do you want to be remembered? How do you want to inspire others? By focusing on who you want to become and what you believe in, it won’t take long for people to buy into your dream and perceive you in exactly the way you desire. As Stephen Covey would say, “Begin with the End in mind.”

Lesson? Learn, then educate. Accumulate, then share. Earn, then give back. By understanding how we can help and empower others, not only do we create more opportunities but we also inspire people towards realising what’s possible.

Lesson? Do things that you are insanely passionate about. We all have greatness within us. However, it’s only by doing things that make us jump out of bed each morning filled with excitement, that will allow us to realise this. You will begin to find your purpose and find the energy to accomplish things you never thought possible.

In the comments below, I’d love to hear what you’ve learnt and whether adopting some of these have had a positive impact in your life.

Perhaps, you’ve come away learning something I haven’t mentioned after reading the above? If so, it would be awesome to hear about it.

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